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Elder Law
People are living longer and the right of older people to make decisions about their care is increasingly being infringed. The situation is being exacerbated by a delay in implementing new laws to provide older people with guaranteed rights on their independence. The Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act was signed into law but most of it has yet to be commenced. We read about older people being kept in nursing homes against their will, and where Gardaí have had to be called to protect their property and other rights. Elder Law is the protection of these people’s right. We believe that every person has the right to grow old with dignity and the protection of the Law.
We can advise and assist with:
- Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs)
- Living Wills (sometimes called Advance Decisions)
- Advice and representation on all mental capacity matters
- Applications to the Ward of Court
- Wills and Tax Planning
- Applications to be appointed care representative
- Applications for Fair Deal Scheme
- Protection against Elder Abuse
A person can lose the ability to manage their own financial, health and legal affairs. To ensure that you are ready no matter what the future has in store, you can choose someone to manage not only your property and finances should you become incapable of doing so, but also to make health and welfare decisions on your behalf. We can help you do this by advising you on and drafting an Enduring Power of Attorney for you.
We can also assist the families of older people in preparing applications to be appointed a care representative or apply to have someone made a Ward of Court in order to protect their assets and deal with their welfare and care.
If you require advice or simply wish to discuss your circumstances or those of a family member contact us on 021 4638100
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